Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Blog is Born

As with so many others, like Dave from “David’s Bass Fishing Blog”, I’m really interested in fly fishing. We have some pretty good rivers and lakes here in Galicia, and even better in Asturias which is the neighbouring region in northern Spain, so seeing that a new blog has been created by “Mrkinfisher3” I just had to add it to my blog roll.
http://www.salmonfishingireland2012.blogspot.com/ “Salmon Fishing Ireland”. As a complete novice I shall keep my eye on this blog which looks very promising.

The season starts at the end of next month so I’ll be getting some practice in with Mullet at the port here in La Coruña. The rivers here are quite narrow with lots of vegetation and fast moving water making it very important to have one’s technique finely tuned. I did try last year in lakes where messy casts are forgiven but in the river they’ll be no mercy.

All the best with the new blog Mrkinfisher3 and I look forward to some great entries and advice on equipment, flies and technique. No pressure LOL.


Monday, February 27, 2012

D.I.Y. FSC Lures - Take 2

After making the first lure it gave me the confidence to make another more in line with the lures I generally use.

I've corrected a couple of things such as the distance between hooks and using a continuous stainless steel wire from front to back for the hooks.

This one is a "Slim" 14 cm Sinking (20 gr). It will have a bib which I've been practising making out of CD covers. I glue 2 bits together for strength and give the front a concave shape with my Dremel. The angle, width and length is something I'm still testing to see the difference in swimming action produced.

This time I'll be painting it bright yellow with a white belly ready for the coming season.

As they say, the proof is in the pudding.

Happy Fishing

Saturday, February 25, 2012

D.I.Y. – FSC Lures

As I lose tens of lures during the year I decided to try and make my own. I’ve been making my own squid jigs for some time so it seemed logical to take the next step and also make my own lures.

The first step as always is the design. I opted for a fairly simple design with the lip (bib) being part of the body shape.

After splitting in half I added 25 grs of sinkers and the red bits are actually freaky cigarette filters added for buoyancy (leaving an empty cavity won't work as it will fill with the wood filler I use to stick back together).

After sealing the wood to make it water proof I painted it (with a brush which isn't the best option) and put on some cheap trebles. If it works out I'll buy myself an air-brush for better finishes and attach some good hooks. I'll keep you posted!

I call this one the scoop because the nose is shaped like a scoop to make it dive and roll through the water.

Happy Fishing

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jed has a good point

I refer you to Jed's blog http://cloudninetackle.blogspot.com/ where his makes a very good observation. As the headline says "why don't European anglers wear lifevests?"

Sure he has a shop and you can think all he wants to do is sell, but the man has a point.

You are absolutely right Jed.

Take his advice, it could save your life.
