Sunday, January 22, 2012

Learning to use a Bait Casting reel. Part 1

I decided to learn how to use a bait casting reel. I’ve watched some videos and read quite a bit and now comes the time to practice.

I’ll be showing you how I’m getting along and what the differences are with spinning reels.

In this first video I show you my first experience. Feel free to laugh, I can’t hear you.

If any visitor wants to help by giving me advice or if you see something I’m doing wrong please leave a comment or contact me directly –

My first impression has been far better than I was expecting. I had some backlash but relatively little. Bearing in mind I’m spooled with a 0.40 mm monofilament and casting light lures I must say that when I get the hang of it I should be able to cast the same distance as with a spinning reel but using far heavier lines, which, after all, is the point of the exercise.

Happy Fishing


  1. Hi Dr.,

    Personally, all of my baitcaster reels, are spooled with braid, not nylon.
    This gives me better casting distance, and a better feel of what is happening to my lure. Also the braid as a lot less memory than the nylon, so much better for this type of reel, for the use that I do with them. (but hey, its just me and I am no expert).
    But on the other hand, once you have a birdnest in the braid line, it is much worse than on nylon.

    Also my reels are smaller than the one in your video, so the braid also gives me more line on the spool than if I was using nylon.

    Have a good day,

  2. Gooday! First let me welcome you to this blog. I'm very pleased you decided to follow this space.

    My idea is to use braid, but while I'm learning I felt more at ease using nylon. The reasons you explain yourself, it's far easier to sort out a birds nest with heavy mono filament.

    Also, from what I've been reading, starting with a heavy mono it's easier to control the spin of the spool not to mention avoiding some thumb burn.

    I have a smaller bait caster (Shimano Cruxis) but not being a salt water reel I don't want to destroy it before I get started. We'll have to wait until the fresh water season begins to put it to use.

    Thanks very much for your comment.

    Happy Fishing. Frank
